Blog How To Pray

How To Pray


Prayer is a key component of the Christian faith, as it is a way for believers to communicate with God. Yet, as important as it is, it seems to be so easy for us to go days without doing it! Many of my clients have told me that they know they should pray, yet struggle to really commit to a solid daily time with the Lord. Some have admitted that they don’t really know how to pray.

Jesus Himself modeled prayer for us in what we call The Lord’s Prayer, which can be found in Matthew chapter 6. He often left His followers and went to a secluded place to pray, reminding us that prayer can - and should - happen anywhere! 

When we find ourselves really struggling to enter into prayer, it could be that we just need a structure before we begin. So let’s learn how to pray by breaking down the different parts of prayer.

We should begin our prayers with gratitude. This means recognizing who God is, acknowledging the blessings that God has bestowed upon us, and expressing thanks for those blessings. It's important to remember that God is the source of all good things in our lives, and giving thanks to Him is an important way to cultivate a spirit of gratitude and humility.

Another important aspect of prayer is the confession of sin. Human nature is ultimately sinful, which is why we need salvation through Jesus. And even though He has washed us free from sin, as humans, we still make mistakes. Confession is a way to acknowledge our shortcomings and seek forgiveness from God. Confession doesn't mean dwelling on guilt or shame, but rather admitting to areas in our lives where we've fallen short and asking God for His grace and mercy.

Once we've expressed gratitude and confession, we can then use prayer as an opportunity to make specific requests of God. This can include personal requests, as well as prayers for other people. When praying for others, it's important to be specific and focus on their needs and circumstances. By praying for others, we demonstrate our love and concern for them, and we invite God's grace and intervention into their lives.

Of course, it's important to remember that our prayers should always be in line with God's will. This means seeking God's guidance and submitting our requests to His divine plan. Sometimes, we may not know what God's will is, but we can trust that He has our best interests at heart. By praying according to God's will, we show that we're open to His leading and willing to submit our desires and needs to His wisdom and love.

Finally, we should always end our prayers with faith and trust. This means believing that God hears our prayers and will answer them in His own time and way. We should trust in God's goodness and love, even when we don't understand His plan. By ending our prayers with faith and trust, we demonstrate our reliance on God and our confidence in His provision and care.

Prayer is a crucial part of the Christian life, but sometimes we just assume we should know how to pray without being taught. By beginning with gratitude, confession, and specific requests, and then submitting those requests to God's will, we can cultivate a deeper relationship with God and experience His grace and mercy. And by ending our prayers with faith and trust, we show that we're willing to rely on God's wisdom and provision, even in times of uncertainty or struggle.

Do you pray daily? I would love to hear your daily prayer routine! And if you don’t pray daily, what keeps you from it? Jump on over to Instagram and send me a DM to let me know if this structure has helped you!


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